Below we have answers to common questions users have about our service. If your question is not answered below feel free to contact us and we'll be able to assist you!
A consignment or con note is the label that needs to be attached to your item/s before pickup. The consignment note has all the relevant details and a barcode which is used in conjunction with our online tracking system. If you have booked online, your consignment is emailed out with your booking confirmation. If you have booked over the phone, the consignment note is normally emailed out the afternoon before collection. Please ensure all information on the consignment note is correct. Attach your consignment note to the outside of your package as instructed. Failure to comply with these requests may result in a missed pick up or futile charges. If you are having any difficulties with this process please contact our head office on 1300888243.
Yes you can! You can call our office on 1300888243. We are in the office from 8:30am-5pm (AEDT) Monday-Friday (excluding pu blic holidays).
If no one is going to be home at the specified pick up time, you can choose to leave the item at the front door for the dri ver, as long as the supplied consignment note is attached. If this has not been done, and the driver arrives to pick up the parcel, the driver will not be able to collect the freight. The job will then be rebooked for a suitable pick up time on a different date. We suggest you select a pick up location where someone will be there on the day you select, you leave the item at the front door of the address (depending on size/weight) or select a particular time frame for an extra charge for convenience.
When booking your job in, you will be asked (either online or over the phone) whether you give authority for your goods to be left unattended if no one is at the delivery address when the driver delivers. If you give authority to leave, we ask that specify a spot for the drive to leave the goods such as the side gate or front door step.
In the event that you have selected that there is 'no authority to leave' the item/s unattended at the delivery end then the item will be taken back to the depot if no one is at the premises to accept it. An 'attempted delivery fee' of up to $33 will be charged to the card holder. They can then choose to have the item redelivered on a particular day or collect the item from their local depot.
Alternatively, organise for your freight to be delivered to a business address that is open Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm to ensure someone is always at the premises to accept the freight.
Yes you can. As you are the person who has made the booking it is vitally important that you make sure the 'Sender' receives the consignment note via email and they fully understand what is required to complete a pickup.
You can make a booking by completing a 'quick quote' on our website and following the prom pts. Alternatively you can call our office on 1300888243 and we can make a booking over the phone for you.
It is vital that your item is pre-packaged to manufacturers specifications, or an appropriate equivalent. This is to ensure that your items and the items travelling in the same vehicle are protected against damages. However, if you are unable to package your goods, we may be able to assist depending on location, the nature of the item and the size. Extra packaging will incur an additional cost. Please call our office on 1300888243 for further information. Unfortunately we do not have packaging facilities Australia wide.
We are unable to deliver to P.O boxes. If it is a regional post office with prior permission granted, it may be possible. C all our customer service line on 1300 888 243 for details.
Due to vehicle size limits, most items need to be under 1100cm x 240cm x 240cm. However if your items are outside of this s ize range, please contact our office and we may be able to assist you with a specialised quote.
If your item is 30kg or more BHF Couriers can still carry your goods however you will need to select the Road Tail Lift option unless your items are travelling from a business address to a business address that has lifting facilities at either end. If not, the driver will bring out a pallet jack or trolley with a specialized tail lift truck that will assist in lifting/unloading your item on/off the vehicle. If the item is a pallet & requires a pallet jack you need to make sure the ground surface is flat, hard concrete surface at both pick up and delivery.
We ask that you try to obtain measurements and weight that are as accurate as possible. When quoting or booking a job you w ill be asked the dimensions (length, width, height) & weight. Make sure you measure the longest ,the widest, and the highest part to ensure we give you an accurate quote. After your item is picked up, it will arrive back to our warehouse, where it gets measured and weighed. If there are any differences that cause a difference to your cost, you will be charged accordingly at a later date. Please note that you are charged for every centimetre & every gram that you send .
When you pay and book in your job with BHF Couriers you are agreeing that the dimensions & weight you are providing is true and correct. Please note BHF Couriers may charge extra charges accordingly and this can be charged up to 120 days after you have booked the job in.
Please read our warranty informa tion and terms and conditions for all information regarding warranty cover for goods in transit.
In most cases, you can track your delivery online using your consignment number. Click here for the tracking page follow the prompts. For all freight that can not be tracked online, please call our office on 1300888243 and we will be able to track the freight over the phone.
We highly recommend that you book your collection one day before you require it to be collected. Due to the nature of some regional areas there can be delays in the pickup process. Some regional areas can take 48 hours to collect and some regional areas only have specific days of collection/delivery. Please contact our office if you would like more information regarding your particular area.
No, anyone can use our service, payment options for the general public are via Credit Card or Paypal.
We currently offer payment via Credit Card or Paypal online or over the phone. Business ac counts also have the option of paying via weekly direct debit. Please contact our office for more information regarding this.
The cut off times vary depending on locations however all online bookings have a cutoff ti me of midday for same day bookings regardless of the area of collection. It is recommended that you book in your job a day before pick up is required.
We are able to service almost anywhere in Australia or the world. In the unlikely event th at your area has restrictions with delivery we should be able to provide you with the closest pick up or drop off point from your location.
Yes you can. You will need to contact our office on 1300888243 to arrange the details. In the case where we don't have our own depot in the local area, we should be able to provide you details for a local agents drop off/pick up point.
Yes you can! Click on 'Register' at the top right hand corner of the site or click here. If you are a business, you can register as a business account and enjoy further discounts!
Need Help...?

Call our office on 1300888243
and speak to one of our friendly
sales staff.
or email
hello@bhfcouriers.com.auWorking Time
Monday – Friday | 8:00am - 6:00pm AEST |
Saturday | Closed (Website Only) |
Sunday | Closed (Website Only) |
Public Holidays | Closed (Website Only) |